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I love to cook, and I love to take pictures. Voila - a food blog!

Named after my closely held belief that almost any dish becomes tastier with lemon + salt. 

Beaufort Cheese with Raspberry Preserves and Fleur de Sel

Beaufort Cheese with Raspberry Preserves and Fleur de Sel

  • 2 oz sharp, semi-soft cheese (cheddar, gruyere, etc.)
  • 3 Tbsp of your favorite jam or preserves
  • 1 Tbsp fleur de sel

Slice cheese into small, thin squares. Dollop a small amount of jam onto each square, then top with a few flakes of fleur de sel. Serve with champagne or cocktails. 

Spicy Roasted Broccoli Pasta with Crispy Prosciutto

Spicy Roasted Broccoli Pasta with Crispy Prosciutto

Holiday Spice Cookies

Holiday Spice Cookies