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I love to cook, and I love to take pictures. Voila - a food blog!

Named after my closely held belief that almost any dish becomes tastier with lemon + salt. 

Black Bean Avocado Tacos

Black Bean Avocado Tacos

Kudos to the new owners of Mama’s Cantina in Seattle for tipping me off to the joys of this particular taco build. Not sure what their actual recipe is, but my adaptation is pretty delicious if I do say so.

  • 4 cups canola oil
  • 1 white onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 can black beans, with juices
  • 1 avocado, sliced lengthwise into ½” thick pieces
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups panko
  • 6-8 yellow corn tortillas
  • 3-4 cups shredded cheese (I use a Mexican Blend of pre-shredded cheese from the store)
  • 3 Tbsp cilantro, finely chopped
  • ½ cup queso Fresco, crumbled

Heat 1 Tbsp canola oil and add white onions. Cook, stirring occasionally until onions begin to soften and turn translucent, then season with cumin, salt and pepper. Add beans and juices and stir to incorporate, then reduce heat to simmer and cook for 30-40 minutes, or until beans begin to disintegrate and mixture thickens.

While beans cook, break eggs into a small bowl and stir to combine. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour panko on a plate, and prepare a second clean plate nearby. Working one at a time, dip avocado slices in the egg mixture, then dredge in panko until covered. Place finished pieces on clean plate. Heat 3.5 cups canola oil in a small pot over medium-high heat (there should be at least 2-3 inches between the top of the oil and the top of the pot). Prepare another clean plate lined with a paper towel nearby. When a small piece of panko thrown into the pot sizzles, use tongs to place 4-5 pieces of avocado in the hot oil, being careful not to overfill the pot. Allow avocado to fry until golden, then remove and place on the paper towel-lined plate to dry. Repeat until all avocado slices are cooked.

Prepare another paper towel-lined plate. Heat 1 Tbsp canola oil in a wide pan over high heat. One at a time, place tortillas in the pan and allow to fry for 20-25 seconds, then flip. Transfer to plate and top with another paper towel. Repeat until all tortillas are cooked.

When all ingredients are prepared, heat a clean sauce pan over high heat. Drop 1/4-1/3 cup shredded cheese into center of pan and leave undisturbed for 15-20 seconds or until bottom begins to brown. Using a spatula, maneuver the cheese – browned side down – onto a waiting tortilla. Top with beans, avocado, cilantro and queso, and eat immediately.

NOTE: I usually prepare two cheesy-tortillas at a time, then pass them off to have guests build their own tacos. Not the most formal of sit-down meals, but totally worth it. ALSO, it’s fun to play around with additional ingredients here. Chicken, blackened corn, sour cream – it’s all delicious.

BLT with Tater Tots

BLT with Tater Tots

Chicken White Wine Stew

Chicken White Wine Stew